Buy or Make an Invisible Dog Leash in 2023

The invisible dog leash is made of a dog collar and a thick rope with no dog attached to it. The scope here is to hold the dog leash as if a dog was attached to it when in fact, no dog is attached to it. The invisible dog leash has been in existence since the 1970s and is still relevant today. If you’re wondering how the invisible dog leash is being made and how it came into existence, then this article is for you. In this article, you would be finding out all the information you need to know about the invisible dog leash and details about it.

Let’s get started by first considering the invisible dog leash and the history of its trend.

What Is An Invisible Dog Leash?

An invisible dog leash is a regular dog leash made but without the presence of a dog in it. It is called an invisible dog leash because it just carried about as if there was a dog in it but in reality, there’s no dog in it. It might seem like a new trend now, but to be truthful, the invisible dog leash has been in existence since the 1970s and 80s. Let’s have a look at the history of the invisible dog leash and how it has survived until today.

Background Of The Invisible Dog Leash

The history of the invisible dog leash dates back to the 1970s. A man who survived World War II named George Zorbas was responsible for this idea. He had travelled to Europe and when he came back to Brooklyn, he brought a novel invention (an invention that was unheard of).  The invisible dog leash invention he made instantly became a trend right from when it was introduced.

George Zorbas was fond of making empty dog collars and leashes made of thick ropes in his Brooklyn factory. He made people fall in love with the concept and with time, the invisible leach spread across the boundaries of the United States to other neighbouring countries.

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After some years had passed, the trend had become big that a walk with invisible leaches was organized. A record of about 20,000 people responded to that call by bringing out the empty leaches on the street of Brooklyn. How amazing is that?

As if that’s not all, this walk lasted for about an hour. It brought a lot of smiles to people as onlookers wondered what was going through the mind of people who engaged in such. The news of this remarkable occurrence spread to other countries via newspapers and other media outlets and they were motivated to reciprocate the same walk.

Fast forward to our day, it is mainly used as comic relief. When you walk on the street with an empty leash, you get people smiling as they wonder what could be going on in your head.

How To Make An Invisible Dog Leash

If you don’t have enough money to purchase the invisible dog leash and you intend to use it, this section would be going into detail on how to make an invisible dog leash. Before delving into the full steps, let’s check out some materials you need to have handy to begin the process.

Materials Required

  • A rope
  • A wire
  • Scissors or Pliers
  • Dog Collar

The materials highlighted above are basic materials that can be found at home. So, you don’t have to worry much if there’s no money to purchase it at the store. Now, let’s begin to describe the steps.

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Step 1. Make Your Rope At The Desired Length

The first step entails making sure the rope is at an appropriate length. So, at this point, you want to measure the length of the rope and cut it to the desired length. The recommended length for a dog leash is 5 feet. So, if you notice that the rope is longer than 5- 6 feet, you want to cut it down so that it doesn’t lag. Also, the thickness of the rope is important. The thickness of the rope should be about 1 inch. This should be done to help you lift the leach and carry it about.

Step 2. Thread The Wire Through The Rope

Now, the wire you use in this process should be one that can be twisted or bent. So, you want to start by threading the wire around the rope. The first mistake many make in this process is that they just thread it anyhow they like. You want to make sure that the thread is straight to avoid inconsistency through the wire resulting in a bent leash. Also, you want to leave about 2 inches of wire left which would not be threaded. This is where your scissors come to play. A sharp pair of scissors would help you cut the wire to the length you wish.

Step 3. Connect Your Rope To The Dog Collar

Of course, your dog collar should be opened at this stage. If you’re a type that is fashion minded, you can allow the dog collar to have the same color and have similar material as the rope. The dog collar used should be light for leach to be carried about easily. Recall that in Step 2, it was mentioned that you should have 2 inches of wire unthreaded.

Now that 2 inches of unthreaded wire should be connected to the dog collar. This connection should be done by threading, the same threading method that was done to connect the wire to the rope. To make it appear neat, you want to thread the dog collar to the wire in a way that the wire would not be obvious on the outside.

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That’s all in the process. The key here is threading. You thread the wire to the rope and you thread to connect the unthreaded wire to the dog collar. You need to make the invisible dog leash look like it was designed by an expert body. Once you can make it properly, you would get your necks turning and be the talk of the town.

Buy an Invisible Dog Leash

You may also choose to buy an Invisible Dog Leash from Amazon here.


Where did the invisible dog leash come from?

The invisible dog leash started to be used in Brooklyn, USA. It was made by George Zorbas who after traveling throughout Europe, returned to Brooklyn with the invisible dog leash idea.

What can I use instead of a dog leash?

If you are unable to get a dog leash, a long, thick, and strong rope can be used to improvise. This rope used must not contain any sharp attachment which can harm the dog. Also, it must not be too tightly attached to the dog in order not to cause strangulation.

Why you shouldn’t use retractable leashes?

Retractable leashes can be fast and easy to use but on the other hand, they can cause severe wounds and squeezing of the pets. In other words, the chances of sustaining injuries using retractable leashes are higher compared to ordinary leashes.

Are invisible dog fences safe?

Invisible dog fences usually come with a buried naked electrical wire. For dogs and some other pets, when these wires are trampled upon these may cause electrocution to the dog leading to several severe injuries. So, they are not generally safe for pets not just dogs only.


This article has been indeed insightful and educative. We’ve been able to see for how long the invisible dog leash has been in existence and who’s responsible for such an invention. Also, you’ve learned how the invisible dog leash is being made and the materials used for it. Without any doubt, the invisible dog leash trend has come to stay. The question now is: have you hopped on this trend?

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